Here at Mt. Moriah M.B. Church, we encourage all to get active within the church. Below are a few of the many ministries that you can get involved in:
Become a part of the usher board and hospitality ministry (Ushers & Greeters Ministry)
Teach a Bible Class or become a Sunday School Assistant Teacher (Christian Education/Sunday School)
Help prepare and be a part of the fellowship experience through sustenance (Culinary Ministry)
Lead congregation in worship and praise, sing in one of our choirs, and/or become a musician (Music Ministry)
Help beautify our church and decorate for special events, etc. (Beautification Ministry)
Help capture pictures, prepare programs, write/share news articles, update website, social media pages (Media & Communications)
and much more.....
Whatever you feel comfortable doing, we would love to have you become a part of making the experience at Mt. Moriah a worthwhile and fulfilling one. Just fill out the form to the right and we will reach out to you to see when you would like to start helping out.